Titel: Creating a Sustainable World - a bilingual approach!  
Klassenstufe(n): 7 bis 10
Beschreibung: We focus on the 17 SDGs of the United Nations, which are all about creating a better world!
Unit 1:
Getting to know the SDGs of the United Nations.
Unit 2:
What about the SDGs in our home area at present (Sylt/ NF/ SH/ German/ Europe)? What about our strong sides? What about our weak sides? What about chances and threats in the future? Let’s find information, let’s analyze, let’s discuss and finally, let’s present our ideas of a more sustainable future.
Unit 3:
What about the SDGs in the Americas at present? What about our strong sides? What about their weak sides? What about chances and threats in the future?
Unit 4:
What about the SDGs in Asia at present? What about our strong sides? What about their weak sides? What about chances and threats in the future?
Unit 5:
What about the SDGs in Oceania at present? What about our strong sides? What about their weak sides? What about chances and threats in the future?
Unit 6:
What about the SDGs in Africa at present? What about our strong sides? What about their weak sides? What about chances and threats in the future?
Kosten: 10 €
Termin:   0:00  -  0:00  Uhr
Beginn - Ende:   14. 01. 2022  -  11. 02. 2022
Laufzeit:   14.01.2022 (14:30-16:00), 21.01.2022 (14:30-17:00), 22.01.2022 (10:00-13:00), 04.02.2022 (14:30-17:00), 05.02.2022 (10:00-13:00), 11.02.2022 (14:30-17:00) 
Stützpunktschule:   Schulzentrum Sylt, Gymnasium mit Gemeinschaftsschulteil des Schulverbandes Sylt
Tonderner Straße 12
25980 Sylt
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Die Veranstaltung findet in der Stützpunktschule statt.
Hinweis(e):    Für ggf. Unterkünfte auf der Insel sind die Kursteilnehmerinnen und Kursteilnehmer selber verantwortlich.